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Hand-made fashion and living accessories inspired by the world of Anime & Manga and Y2K & Japan 80s Pop fashion.

Customer service

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Who we are







Methods of purchase and sales contract

Territorial scope
We accept orders for delivery in Italian, European and non-European territory as indicated in the order phase.

Purchase invoice
For each order placed we issue a discount on the material shipped that will be inserted in the package, in case of an invoice, this must be requested together with the order, and we send it by e-mail to the holder of the order pursuant to art. 14 DPR 445/00 and dl 52/2004. The data provided by the customer at the time of the order will be included in the invoice. No changes will be possible after the issuance of the discount or invoice itself.

Product information
The customer can purchase the products in our electronic catalog at the time of placing the order. The images and technical data accompanying a product sheet may not be complete and exhaustive of its own characteristics but differ in brand, size, color, accessories, etc. The images relating to the products are purely indicative.
My Sunny Planet does not guarantee the immediate availability of each product displayed given the possibility of multiple purchases at the same time by multiple users. For this reason we reserve the right, once the order has been received, to check the availability of the goods and, failing that, to promptly communicate the non-acceptance of the order sent or any waiting times to find it. No responsibility can be attributed to us.

Receipt of the order
Correct receipt of the order is confirmed by an e-mail reply, sent to the e-mail address communicated by the customer. This confirmation message will re-propose all the data entered by the customer who undertakes to verify its correctness and to promptly communicate any corrections.

Right of withdrawal
According to the Consumer Code, the e-shopper has 14 days (from when it comes into possession of the items ordered) to send the communication informing you of wanting to return the goods and therefore sever the contract. There is no obligation to specify the motivation as it is assumed that the user, not having the possibility to see with his own eyes, to touch the item with his own hands or, in the case of clothing items of wearing the garment, you can always see that what you received does not correspond to what you want.

There are three ways of sending the notice of withdrawal:
a) use the standard withdrawal form made available on the e-commerce site or sent by the Merchant;
b) send any other explicit declaration of your decision to withdraw from the contract;
c) fill in the order return form on the e-commerce site

The communication must usually be sent by registered letter or by any other method that guarantees proof of receipt of what has been sent.

Upon receipt of a customer's request for reimbursement, the Merchant is obliged to proceed with the reimbursement of the total amount of the purchased item plus shipping costs.
The time available to make the refund is 14 days from receipt of the returned goods: the Merchant can wait to verify that the shipment has actually taken place and that the returned goods have not been damaged before proceeding with the refund.
The transport costs for the return of the goods are always charged to the buyer. Once we have received the aforementioned notice of withdrawal, the My Sunny Planet Customer Service will quickly communicate to the customer the instructions on how to return the goods which must be sent to My Sunny Planet within 14 days of the request.

The e-shopper has 14 days to send the communication of wanting to return the order.

The Consumer Code, in art. 59, provides that there are some types of distance purchases for which the right of withdrawal is not provided:

the supply of customized or tailor-made goods;

the supply of perishable goods;

the supply of sealed goods which, for reasons of safety or health, are not suitable for their return after opening;

the supply of alcoholic beverages whose agreed price is linked to market fluctuations and whose delivery cannot take place before 30 days;

the supply of newspapers, magazines and periodicals;

the supply of video / audio / software delivered sealed and that have been opened;

contracts in which the consumer has specifically requested a visit by the professional for the purpose of carrying out repair or maintenance work.

For more information

European Commission - Consumer Rights Directive:


Download the form for the right of withdrawal that can be filled in:

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